Looking for Local Car Repairs in Birmingham or the Surrounding Area?
Birmingham is the most populous city in the English Midlands. Partly due to its central location, Birmingham is a major transport hub on the motorway, rail and canal networks.[253] The city is served by the M5, M6, M40, and M42 motorways, and possibly the most well-known motorway junction in the United Kingdom: Spaghetti Junction, a colloquial name for the Gravelly Hill Interchange. The M6 passes through the city on the Bromford Viaduct, which at 3.5 miles is the longest bridge in the UK.
To make things easy as possible for you, and to ensure your car repair in Birmingham doesn’t impact upon your day, we offer a collection and delivery service for your vehicle. Either leave your car at home or at work and we’ll collect it, before dropping it home when the work is complete!
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